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Lives of Inmates at Risk in the wake of Surging cases of Corona Virus
The High Court Nepalgunj bench ruled in the wake of the application filed by AF lawyers along with other advocates to protect the basic human rights of the detainees including the compulsory PCR testing of all the inmates as well as the prospective prisoners and to follow the preventative health measures. Following the court ruling, PCR testing of 26 inmates detected that 8 prisoners including one female prisoner corona positive.
After 14 days isolation 7 male prisoners were found corona negative and brought back to the prison. According to the jalior Davendra Shrestha, "7 males prisoners who were kept in isolation were found corona negative after 14 days and were brought back to the jail. Now they are kept with other prisoners. However, one famale prisoner was still found corona positive even after 14 days and is kept in the isolation. However, 26 new male prisoners are kept separatly in the female section after transfer of all female prisoners to Dailkeh and Bardiya prisons."
When AF laywer inquired about the PCR testing of all the inmates, jailor Davendra Shrestha said that PCR test of all inmates is not possible due to resources constraints. He further said that the court’s ruling demands everyone’s PCR testing, however, the governments’ policy is conducting the PCR testing of inmates only if some symptoms are seen on them.
When talked to the Chief District Officer Ram Bahadur Kurumwang, he said that women inmates were transferred to different prisons in order to minimize the crowd and to create some space for prospective inmates. But the administration is unable to conduct PCR testing of all inmates because of insufficient funding and government’s policies.
Advocacy Forum found that living conditions of jail is very poor and denied their basic needs despite the ruling of the court. They are confronted with inadequate amenities such as limited space inside the cells, inadequate toilets and so on. They are crammed into a single room. They have to take turns to sleep because of the insufficient space inside the cell. They have to set a tent to stay in and their living is aggravated during rainy days. Some of the inmates have to sleep outside the cell under the tap due to scarcity of space.
Prisoners have submitted a letter to the District Court and District Administration Office reqesting to send inmates only after PCR test.
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