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Advocacy Forum- Nepal Provided COVID-19 Response Package to Child Correction Home in Doti

Speaking in the program, Sanumaya Limbu Gurung informed that earlier the building of the Correction Home was the Office of Women and Children. Later in 2018, it was turned into a Correction Home. She stated that 21 children have been handed over to their guardians and remaining 37 are serving their remand or jail sentence. Along with a sub-inspector, two police constables and 6 police officials, there are two other staffs working in the Correction Home. She stated that the Correction Home is in need of a warden for which she has already written to the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens, but no action is taken so far.
Santosh Bohara, the chairman of Ward no. 6 of Dipayal Silgadi Municipality thanked for being invited to the program and committed to provide some equipments as well.
Representing the 37 children from the Correction Home, Bikram Bista acknowledged the assistance provided Advocacy Forum which, according to him, is the first assistance they have received so far.
Advocacy Forum observed that the rooms in the Correction Home are small and narrow. Managing it when there are more children will be challenging The management of drinking water and physical infrastructures is not adequate. Nepal Government should come up with plans and budget to address this issue.
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