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AF and ICJ Convened Consultation with Stakeholders on Reparations
The consultation aimed to strengthen policy frameworks on reparations, drawing insights from civil society organizations (CSOs), conflict victims, legal experts, and media representatives.
During the consultation Laxmi Pokhrel, National Legal Advisor at the ICJ, underscored the pressing need for unified reparation policy frameworks amidst existing disparities, emphasizing the challenges faced by victims of torture and sexual violence who have been overlooked in government initiatives.
Dr. Mandira Sharma, Senior International Legal Advisor at the ICJ, shed light on Nepal's transitional justice process, emphasizing the lack of a cohesive understanding of reparation. She highlighted concerns surrounding the reparation at the national and provincial levels.
Melissa Upreti, Regional Director of the Asia Pacific Program at the ICJ, emphasized victim-centric approaches in reparation efforts, stressing the importance of resource allocation and tailored support mechanisms to meet individual needs.
Srijana Shrestha, Chairperson of Conflict Victim Women National Network, presented insights into victims' experiences in accessing reparation, urging for an expanded definition of victims and addressing challenges such as confidentiality and data collection methods.
Raju Chapagain, Advocate, delved into framing an integrated reparation policy, highlighting the necessity for collaboration among provincial governments and victim groups to ensure comprehensive measures.
The consultation also featured group discussions and presentations, with stakeholders providing valuable input on past relief efforts, policy scope, victim prioritization, inter-governmental cooperation, victim identification, and measures to ensure accountability and transparency in implementation.
Notable recommendations included establishing specialized mechanisms for victims of conflict-related sexual violence, ensuring budget planning clarity, victim-centric approaches, disintegrated data collection, and empowering civil society. The consultation underscored a collective commitment to address transitional justice challenges, paving the way for informed policy frameworks that uphold victims' rights and facilitate meaningful reparation processes.
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