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Arjun Bahadur Lama
Arjun Bahadur Lama, 48 years in age, permanent resident of Chhatrebas
VDC -5, Dapcha in Kavre district was abducted by a group of Maoist
cadres, three in number, on 29 April 2005 (2062.1.16 BS) from the
premises of Sri Krishna Secondary School at Chhatrebas VDC-1 of the
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Hari Prasad Bolakhe
Hari Prasad Bolakhe, 35 (while missing) a permanent resident of Phulbari VDC-8, Kavre district, a pastor by profession, had been missing since the arrest December 27, 2003, was reportedly killed by security persons. A team of National Human Rights Commission discovered a human skeleton in a jungle ...
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Sarala Sapkota
Around 11 p.m. on July 15, 2004, a group of 12 armed soldiers arrested
Sarala Sapkota at her grandfather’s house. The family, who witnessed the
arrest, stated that soldiers gave Sarala no reason for her arrest.
After her arrest, Sarala’s family went to Baireni barracks and the DPO ...
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Birendra Shah
On the evening of 5 October 2007, Mr. Birendra Shah, 34, resident of Inruwasira VDC-8, Bara district, a local journalist of Bara district and correspondent of Nepal FM, Avenues Television and Dristi weekly, was abducted by Maoists from Pipara Bazaar in Kalaiya, the district headquarters of Bara ...
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Bishwanath Parajuli, Tom Nath Poudel and Dhan Bahadur Tamang
Three persons namely Bishwonath Parajuli (also called Nagendra
Parajuli), Tom Nath Poudel and Dhan Bahadur Tamang of Hasandaha VDC,
Morang were shot dead by the security personnel on 28 September 2004.
According to the eyewitnesses, other victims and the villagers, about 16
people were arrested ...
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Chot Nath Ghimire and Shekhar Nath Ghimire
Chot Nath Ghimire, a 58-year-old farmer, resident of Ishaneshor VDC-4,
Ratamate Majhpokhari of Lamjung district was allegedly arrested by the
Joint Security Forces of Joint Security Camp stationed at Bhorlatar VDC,
Lamjung district on February 2, 2002 (2058.10.20). The security camp
called Mr. ...
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Bhauna Tharu
Bhauna Tharu (Bhauna Chaudhary in the citizenship card), 21 years old
male (at the time of the incident; Date of Birthe: 8 September 1978),
son of Purna Bahadur Chaudhary, permanent resident of Sujanpur village,
Neulapur VDC-4, Bardiya district, and an employee of Rastriya Gobar Gas,
Gulariya, ...
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Manau Case (Mass Disappearances)
On the night of 11 April 2002, eight youngsters- Dhaniram Tharu, Soniram Tharu, Radhulal Tharu, Prem Prakash Tharu, Kamala Tharu, Mohan Tharu, Lauti Tharu and Chillu Tharu - all of Tharu ethnicity, disappeared from their homes in Nauranga village, Ward No.8, Manau Village Development Committee (VDC), Bardiya District. They were aged between 14 and 23; two among them were girls; and five of them were thoughts to be below 18 years old. The disappearances were allegedly committed by a group of 60-70 soldiers who came to the village, with groups of two to five soldiers breaking into the targeted houses between midnight and 2am, carrying torches and weapons. In each house they asked for the disappeared person by name, sometimes even seeming to know the location of that person’s bed.
Subhadra Chaulagain (Extrajudicial Killing)
On the night of 12 February 2004, around fifty to sixty armed and uniformed members of the then Royal Nepal Army (RNA) conducted an operation in Ward No. 3, Pokhari Chauri Village Development Committee, Kavre District. They were guided by an informant known to be a teacher in the village. At around 11pm, they first visited the house of Dilmaya Chaulagain and searched it for evidence of Maoist activity. When they found nothing of value to them they took her food and after an hour or so moved onto the house of Subhadra Chaulagain.
Mukunda Sedhai (Disappearance)
On 19 December 2003, Mukunda Sedai was arbitrarily arrested by plain-clothes men while playing cards at a tea stall nearby his apartment at Bhimsensthan, Ward No. 20, Kathmandu. According to the testimony of the witnesses, he was subsequently detained in the custody of the Jagadal Batallion stationed at Chhauni Army Barracks to the west of Kathmandu but there have been no reported sightings of him since mid-February 2004. His wife received a handwritten note from the victim on 16 January 2004 which states that Mukunda was being detained at Chhauni Barracks.
Yubaraj Giri (Illegal detention, Torture, Disappearance)
Yubaraj Giri, from Kohalpur, Banke district, was arbitrarily arrested by the Nepal Army in April 2004 and illegally detained at Immamnagar army camp. He was held incommunicado in a dark room for almost 13 months. In May 2005, he was transferred from the army barrack to a police station, and then to the district jail. He was detained in the jail for a further 63 days and was finally released on 15 July 2005 following the order of the Appellate Court. Mr Giri estimated he was tortured about 100 times during around 7 months of his detention in the army camp, and initially on a daily basis.
Surya Prasad Sharma (Disappearance)
Surya Prasad Sharma disappeared after he was arrested by the army in January 2002 from his home in Baglung district. His wife followed the soldiers and saw how they led her husband into the Kalidal Gulm army barracks. She later had a visit from a soldier who told her that her husband was being severely tortured. She was later told that her husband had escaped while being taken to identify a Maoist hide-out. In response to a habeas corpus petition filed in the Supreme Court in February 2003, all government authorities denied his arrest and detention. However, the Baglung Chief District Officer (CDO) informed the court that Mr. Sharma had tried to escape jumping in the river where he got drowned. A government committee set up to investigate disappearances provided the same information. In February 2005, the Supreme Court quashed the petition believing the CDO’s response.
Dev Bahadur Maharjan (Illegal Detention, Torture, Disappearance)
Dev Bahadur Maharjan was arrested on 26 November 2003 by members of the Nepal Army. He was illegally detained at the Chhauni military barracks from the time of his arrest until 17 September 2004, when he was transferred to an official detention facility. He was not able to contact his family, friends, or consult with a lawyer during this time. While Mr. Maharjan was detained in the military barracks, he was subject to torture and ill-treatment. Soldiers severely tortured him for four consecutive nights, and would randomly beat him and other detainees throughout his detention. Mr. Maharjan suffered injuries from this torture, but was not provided with medical treatment.
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