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HR Community Urges Govt. to End Impunity
“In advance of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Nepal’s human rights record, scheduled for January 2011 at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, we urge the government to take immediate, concrete and effective measures to deliver justice and accountability and thereby reverse the country’s descent towards ‘full-spectrum’ impunity,” said a Joint Open Letter issued by Advocacy Forum (AF), Amnesty International (AI), Human Rights and Democratic Forum (FOHRID), Human Rights and Peace Society (HURPES), Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC) and the International Commission of Jurist (ICJ).
In the open letter titled “Nepal descending towards full-spectrum impunity for human rights abuses committed during the conflict’, the aforesaid organizations have also urged “the government to send a strong signal to the people of Nepal and the international community that these crimes will never again be committed with impunity, by ratifying the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture” and have recommended to :
- Instruct the police to promptly, effectively and impartially investigate all conflict related cases involving unlawful killings, torture and ill-treatment, enforced disappearances and other crimes under international law, including by interviewing key witnesses and suspects, gathering forensic evidence, and where appropriate making arrests and presenting cases for fair trials in accordance with international standards.
- Ensure that state security agencies comply with court orders fully and promptly.
- Promptly establish the Commission of Inquiry into Disappearances and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in accordance with international standards.
- Halt immediately the withdrawal of cases where serious human rights abuses have taken place, especially where they constitute crimes under international law.
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