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News Archive 2021
Advocacy Forum- Nepal Organized a Consultation Meeting Among Stakeholders of Criminal Justice System and Human Rights in Banke

30 December 2021, Banke: On 30 December 2021, Advocacy Forum- Nepal (AF) organized a consultation meeting with stakeholders of criminal justice system in Banke. The consultation was organized to have rigorous discussion among stakeholders in implementing principles of human rights in administering justice and the role it plays in strengthening overall criminal justice system. Judges from High Court Tulsipur, Nepalgunj Bench, District Court, Banke, advocates and representatives from District Administration Office, Banke, Child Correction Home, Banke, Nepal Bar Association, Nepalgunj High Court Bar Association, District Government Attorney’s Office, Banke and District Police Office, Banke among others attended the program.
AF Held Interaction Program on Karnali Provincial Police Bill in Surkhet

28 December 2021, Surkhet: On 28 December 2021, Advocacy Forum-Nepal (AF) held an interaction program among the stakeholders with an aim to discuss on Karnali Provincial Police Bill in Birendranagar, Sukhet. The representatives from Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law, Karnali Province, Provincial Police, District Police Office, Surkhet, Bar Association and human rights organizations were present in the program.
AF Co-organized Women’s Futsal Competition: "We Felt Empowered," Conflict Victim Women

25 December 2021: Upholding the theme ‘Sports for Women Empowerment’ on 25 December 2021 Advocacy Forum supported Radio Mukti, Butwal in organizing a futsal competition among 12 teams of women representing different sectors such as government officers, health workers, journalists, social activists etc. A team of conflict-victim women, coordinated by Radha Poudel, wife of an enforced disappearance victim- also participated in the event. The event was organized in Green Lumbini Futsal ground in Butwal with representatives from Butwal Sub-Metropolitan, Radio Mukti, Federation of Nepali Journalists, Lumbini Province and Seto Gurans Child Development Service.
Advocacy Forum - Nepal Organized an Interaction Program on Sudur Paschim Provincial Police Bill: Suggestions Provided for Incorporating Human Rights and Accountability Issues

25 December 2021, Dhangadi: On 25 December 2021, Advocacy Forum-Nepal (AF) and International Commissions of Jurists (ICJ) organized an interaction program in Dhangadi, Kailali with an aim to discuss human rights aspects in the Sudurpaschim Provincial Police Bill. The representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law, Sudurpaschim, Provincial Office of National Human Rights Commission, Sudurpashcim, District Police Office, Kailali, Provincial Police Office, Kailali District Bar Association and several media houses were present in the program.
AF Handed Computers to Child Correction Home, Banke

Since the COVID -19 outbreak, the family visits to Child Correction Home (CCH) have been affected. With the aim to ease the communication between children and their family members and lawyers, on 15 December 2021, Advocacy Forum- Nepal (AF) handed over two desktop computers to the Child Correction Home, Banke. The representatives from District Administration Office, National Human Rights Commission, Chairperson of Banke District Court Bar Association were also present at the program.
AF Organized an Interaction Program on Reparative Needs of the Victims in Marsyangdi Rural Municipality, Lamjung

23 December 2021, Pokhara: To discuss the role and forge the way forward on how can Local Government can fulfill its responsibilities towards the victims, Advocacy Forum- Nepal organized an interaction program titled “The Role of Local government in fulfilling Victim’s Reparative Needs” at Marshyangdi Rural Municipality Office on 23 December 2021.The program was attended by the victims, representatives of the political parties, elected representatives of various wards, and the victims of Marshyangdi Rural Municipality. Altogether, 29 participants (20 males and 9 females) attended the program.
Advocacy Forum - Nepal conducts Workshop on Documentation and Strategic Litigation on Cases of Human Rights Violations in Lumbini

On 19-20 December 2021, Advocacy Forum-Nepal (AF) convened a ‘Workshop on Documentation and Strategic Litigation on Cases of Human Rights Violations at Buddha Maya Gardens Hotel, Lumbini. The aim of the workshop was to discuss on the basic components of documentation and litigation, including their importance and application in seeking remedy on cases of human rights violations.
The recent decision of the District Court in Dailekh could help to speed up TJ process in Nepal: Advocacy Forum welcomes the decision of the District Court of Dailekh
16 December, 2021: On 12 December 2021, the District Court Dailekh has convicted three more accused involved in Dekendra Thapa’s case for murder. While two of the main accused got 20 years of imprisonment, one got 3 years for abetting the murder. This decision upholds the principle of justice refusing to accept the argument of the political parties and the Government that the conflict era cases to be dealt with by the farce Transitional Justice mechanism, i.e. the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).
Advocacy Forum - Nepal Hands Over Computers to the Child Correction Home, Bhairahawa

With an aim to bridge communication gaps between families and children of Child Correction Home, Bhairahawa, on 16 December 2021 Advocacy Forum- Nepal (AF) handed over two set of computers to Child Correction Home Bhairahawa. The computers were handed over to the CCH amidst a small function wherein representatives from Siddhartha Municipality, Bhairahawa, National Human Rights Commission, and Rupandehi District Court and District Court Bar Association were present.
AF Co-organized a Panel Discussion on: Conflict – related Sexual Violence in Nepal

To mark the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, Advocacy Forum ( AF) in collaboration with Human Rights and Justice Centre (HRJC), The Story Kitchen( TSK), International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), and Conflict Victim Women National Alliance (CVWNA) conducted a panel discussion titled ‘Conflict-related Sexual Violence in Nepal: Overlooked and Under-Investigated’ at Alfa House, New Baneshwor Kathmandu. The panel discussion was organized with an aim to bring into light, the cases of sexual violence that occurred during the ten year long armed conflict in Nepal and have dialogues on this subject so that they are not overlooked anymore. The program was attended by 45 participants (29 female, 16 male) representing various civil society organizations, law institutions and media. The participants unanimously agreed that the cases of conflict-related sexual violence is overlooked and neglected by the Government.
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