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Krishna Adhikari

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Arjun Bahadur Lama
Arjun Bahadur Lama, 48 years in age, permanent resident of Chhatrebas
VDC -5, Dapcha in Kavre district was abducted by a group of Maoist
cadres, three in number, on 29 April 2005 (2062.1.16 BS) from the
premises of Sri Krishna Secondary School at Chhatrebas VDC-1 of the
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Hari Prasad Bolakhe
Hari Prasad Bolakhe, 35 (while missing) a permanent resident of Phulbari VDC-8, Kavre district, a pastor by profession, had been missing since the arrest December 27, 2003, was reportedly killed by security persons. A team of National Human Rights Commission discovered a human skeleton in a jungle ...
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Sarala Sapkota
Around 11 p.m. on July 15, 2004, a group of 12 armed soldiers arrested
Sarala Sapkota at her grandfather’s house. The family, who witnessed the
arrest, stated that soldiers gave Sarala no reason for her arrest.
After her arrest, Sarala’s family went to Baireni barracks and the DPO ...
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Birendra Shah
On the evening of 5 October 2007, Mr. Birendra Shah, 34, resident of Inruwasira VDC-8, Bara district, a local journalist of Bara district and correspondent of Nepal FM, Avenues Television and Dristi weekly, was abducted by Maoists from Pipara Bazaar in Kalaiya, the district headquarters of Bara ...
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Bishwanath Parajuli, Tom Nath Poudel and Dhan Bahadur Tamang
Three persons namely Bishwonath Parajuli (also called Nagendra
Parajuli), Tom Nath Poudel and Dhan Bahadur Tamang of Hasandaha VDC,
Morang were shot dead by the security personnel on 28 September 2004.
According to the eyewitnesses, other victims and the villagers, about 16
people were arrested ...
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Chot Nath Ghimire and Shekhar Nath Ghimire
Chot Nath Ghimire, a 58-year-old farmer, resident of Ishaneshor VDC-4,
Ratamate Majhpokhari of Lamjung district was allegedly arrested by the
Joint Security Forces of Joint Security Camp stationed at Bhorlatar VDC,
Lamjung district on February 2, 2002 (2058.10.20). The security camp
called Mr. ...
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Bhauna Tharu
Bhauna Tharu (Bhauna Chaudhary in the citizenship card), 21 years old
male (at the time of the incident; Date of Birthe: 8 September 1978),
son of Purna Bahadur Chaudhary, permanent resident of Sujanpur village,
Neulapur VDC-4, Bardiya district, and an employee of Rastriya Gobar Gas,
Gulariya, ...
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AF Raises Questions to Nepal Government on Torture

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Hari Bansh Tripathi, Director of Advocacy Forum, summarized the findings of AF's annual torture report 2013 that corroborates the conclusion of the confidential inquiry carried out by the UN Committee against Torture under Article 20 of Convention against Torture which expressly confirms the systematic and prevalent practice of torture in state detention centers. Harikrishna Karki, Chairperson of Nepal Bar Association, highlighted the fact that the state, especially Office of the Attorney General, should take special steps to prevent and investigate into allegations of torture to detainees in police detentions. Ramesh Dhakal, Joint Secretary of Office of Prime Minister, acknowledged that torture is practiced in Nepal and said that government is not unwilling to prevent and investigate torture. He further said that the government is on the process of amending anti-torture laws in line with international standards. Attorney General Regmi informed that the Office of Attorney General has formed a special unit to monitor human rights violations in police detentions and prisons. He further said that the OAG has invested certain rights to Appellate Attorney Offices also to monitor and investigate into human rights violations in police detentions and prisons. Representatives from lawyer organizations, media houses and human rights defenders among others attended the program.
The report, titled "Nepal: Is the Government Unable or Unwilling to Prevent and Investigate Torture?" mentions that during the year 2012, AF reached out to 3,773 detainees, out of which 384 were women. Of them 930 were below the age of 18. This year, 22.3% of these detainees claimed that they were subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in detention. Juveniles were found particularly vulnerable, with 34.7% of them claiming they were subjected to torture or other ill-treatment. The report also highlights the major failures by the Government to legislate to criminalize torture and the inadequacy of the current mechanisms that are in place to monitor, investigate and prosecute perpetrators and protect victims.
Regional and district offices of Advocacy Forum are also organizing programs today on the occasion of 16th International Day in Support of Victims of Torture in working districts.
AF has been monitoring the status of torture in government detention facilities since its inception in 2001.
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The report, titled "Nepal: Is the Government Unable or Unwilling to Prevent and Investigate Torture?" mentions that during the year 2012, AF reached out to 3,773 detainees, out of which 384 were women. Of them 930 were below the age of 18. This year, 22.3% of these detainees claimed that they were subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in detention. Juveniles were found particularly vulnerable, with 34.7% of them claiming they were subjected to torture or other ill-treatment. The report also highlights the major failures by the Government to legislate to criminalize torture and the inadequacy of the current mechanisms that are in place to monitor, investigate and prosecute perpetrators and protect victims.
Regional and district offices of Advocacy Forum are also organizing programs today on the occasion of 16th International Day in Support of Victims of Torture in working districts.
AF has been monitoring the status of torture in government detention facilities since its inception in 2001.
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