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AF Organized Various Training/Workshops.
AF Organized Various Trainings/Workshops:
Litigation Training for Lawyers:
Kathmandu: Advocacy Forum (AF) and REDRESS Trust jointly organized a two training on "Basics of Case Documentation & Management for National and International Litigation on Torture" on 11 and 12 December 2014. Altogether 25 participants were participated from various organizations including NHRC, PPR-Nepal, THRD Alliance and AF.
Regional Consultation Meeting on CRT Act:
In November 2014, AF organized Regional Consultation Meetings in Kaski, Banke, Kanchanpur and Biratnagar districts with Judges, Public Prosecutors, Police Officers and Defence Lawyers on "Assessment of Compensation Relating to Torture Act and Need of Criminalization of Torture." Altogether 225 participants were participated from various districts.
Medico-legal Training for Doctors:
Likewise, from 3 to 6 December 2014, AF organized training on "Medico-legal Documentation" for judges, public prosecutors, doctors, defence lawyers and police officers. The training was based on Istanbul Protocol for documentation of torture cases. Altogether 47 participants were participated in the training from various districts.
Consultation Meeting on "Analysis of Criminal Law and Confession:"
In Nov/Dec 2014, AF organized consultation meetings on "Analysis of Criminal Law and Confession" in Kanchanpur, Banke, Kaski, Rupandehi and Kathmandu districts. In the meeting, judges, public prosecutors, defence lawyers and police officers were participated. More than 125 participants were participated in the meetings.
Regional & National level Consultation on TRC Act:
In Nov/Dec 2014 AF organized regional level consultation meeting with stakeholders on "TRC: What is the way forward?" in Bardiya, Ilam and Kavre districts. Altogether 75 participants were participated in the stakeholders' dialogue. In the meeting government officials, journalists, conflict victims and AF staffs were participated. It was the follow-up dialogue that was organized in September 2014.
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