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AF Provided Support for Earthquake Victims of Palpa

Kathmandu, October 2015: Advocacy Forum (AF) provided a 4 days psychosocial counseling and social support for 116 women earthquake victims of Gejha and Sahalkot VDCs of Palpa district. During the counseling session the participants shared their experience of earthquake and aftermath. Likewise, they shared the physical and psychological problems they are facing at present. They said that it was the first ever such program they were participating in. During the first day counseling session some of the participants cried a lot and the following day some of them informed that they had never good sleep after the earthquake, however after the counseling they had a good sleep. They looked fresh and happy.
Likewise, some of the participants said that such programs were very fruitful for them rather than other types of support because other supports could be transitory but such knowledge empowers them to think positively and work hard for better life. The participants heartily thanked to the organizer of the program and donor and requested to continue such programs in future also.
At the end of the program, transportation and blankets were distributed to the participants. The program was supported by KFB Austria.
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