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A writ for the protection of right to health of detainees and prisoners registered- Court issues interim order making the COVID-19 test compulsory
Furthermore, the petition highlights the pertinent problems such as lack of nutritious food, proper place to sleep, shower, toilet, medical facilities, meeting and communication with relatives and so on due to overcrowd in the prsion as a result of which life of the prioners has become miserable. Overcrowd in the prison has made it impossible to maintain physical distancing exposing the prisoners to risk of spread of COVID-19. Similarly, due to the overcrowdness at the Child Correction Home, 20 children are forced to sleep in one room which makes it impossible to maintain physical distancing and implement health regulations.
Responding to the writ petition, on 26 July 2020, stating that there is no guarantee that the prisons are free of COVID-19, the Court issues an interim order against the defendants to, (i) conduct PCR tests of the security personnel and staffs who come in contact with the prisoners, (ii) to compulsorily test COVID-19 for the new prisoners and juvenile delinquents before sending them to prison or Child Correction Homes, (iii) to conduct PCR testing of all prisoners in different phases, starting with the ones who are suffering from various diseases, women and senior citizens, (iv) to maintain physical distancing to the maximum extent possible and make compulsory arrangements for mask, soap and sanitizers, (v) to sanitize the food brought from outside before providing to the prisoners/detainees, (vi) in other matters, implement the decision of the High Court dated 04 February 2015.
Interim Order of High Court on Detainees and Prisoners - 26 July 2020
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