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Transitional Justice Meeting held in Bhurigau, Bardiya; Victims urge the Local Government to address their concerns

Advocate Basanta Gautam from AF- Nepal facilitated the program and briefed the roles of Local Government as prescribed by law. The program was attended by 40 victims. The program stressed on the fact that the present situation of a pandemic caused by COVID-19 has exacerbated the problem for victims, as they have lost their daily source of income and the Local Government and concerned stakeholders have not addressed their concerns yet. Victims said that when the Local Government distributed the relief packages for COVID-19, the conflict victims were not even included. Thus, the meeting ended on a note that the Local Government should pay serious attention to the situation and hardship of the victims and bring programs accordingly. Victims further demanded that the long-pending TJ process should be reinvigorated with the amendment of the TRC law in line with the verdict of the Supreme Court and international standards.
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