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Advocacy Forum - Nepal conducts Workshop on Documentation and Strategic Litigation on Cases of Human Rights Violations in Lumbini

During the workshop, AF Lawyers from the seven provinces presented the existing political and human rights situation of the respective Provinces, along with their achievements and challenges while documenting and litigating HRV cases.
Convening the session on basic components of documentation, Advocate Shiva Prasad Gaudel detailed on the fundamental principles and the practical challenges that are essential in the documentation of HRV which include principle of accuracy, transparency, neutrality, impartiality, and credibility.
Facilitating one of the sessions, Advocate Barun Ghimire shared experiences and lessons learned from Nepal relating to strategic litigation. Ghimire also highlighted the key components of strategic litigation and explained how it can be an effective tool for policy reform. Lack of reflection and implementation of precedents set by the Court and inadequate communication between concerned stakeholders were some of the challenges in litigation that Ghimire talked about during the workshop.
Similarly, Dr. Mandira Sharma convened a session on Strategic Advocacy and Engagement shedding light on the concept and distinction between Criminal Investigation and HRV Investigation and sharing regional and international practices.
The workshop concluded with the participants agreeing on the importance of documentation and strategic litigation in access of justice. The participants further committed to implement the learning from the workshop while documenting and litigating HRVs in their respective Provinces.
The workshop was supported by Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IFA).
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