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News Archive 2015
AF Commemorated 18th International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

Kathmandu 28 June 2015: To commemorate 18th UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture on 26th June, Advocacy Forum (AF) organized programs in Kathmandu, Kaski, Rupandehi, Banke, Kanchapur, Dhanusha, Udayapur and Morang. In the program altogether 425 participants including torture survivors, stakeholders of criminal justice system (Judges, public prosecutors, defence lawyers, police officers) government officers from various ministries, representatives from various human rights NGOs/civil societies were present.
As every year, this year too AF released its annual torture report, "Torture in Nepal in 2014: More of the same." During 2014, AF lawyers regularly visited to police detention centers of 15 districts across the country and interviewed 1916 detainees including women and children. Among them 16.2 % claimed that they were tortured and/or ill-treated in the police detention centers. Full report is available at: (English), (Nepali)
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